Pasfoto Sander Rekers

About Me

My name is Sander Rekers and I'm an IT-security professional. I studied IT with a specialization in Networking and Security. This means I have experience with systems like Microsoft Windows Server, Different types of Linux Server- and Client Operating Systems, Cisco IOS and much more. This makes me a versatile IT-professional, with an attitude that is aimed at teamwork and getting things done. I can effectively communicate in Dutch and English and can manage in German. Because of my experience working with large networks and customers with varying levels of technical knowledge, I have thought myself to make complex IT constructions understandable for all sorts of users. From the experienced IT-expert to the pensioner enduser.

My passion is making IT accessible for all users, no matter the amount of knowledge. As long as there is interest, there are opportunities and I am always open for new challenges This resume contains just a part of my experiences. Want to know more? Leave a messsage using the contactform.

  • HAVO Economy

    Sept. 2012 - July 2017

    HAVO Economy, Groevenbeek College, Ermelo


    Sep. 2017 - Aug. 2022

    HBO-ICT Infrastructure, Design and Security, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle

  • Volunteer Work

    Jan. 2015 - Jan. 2023

    Stichting Woord en Daad Winkels (Humanitarian Aid), Nunspeet
    IT administrator, Sales, Technical support

  • Kliksafe B.V.

    Jul. 2017 - Now

    Kliksafe (Internet Service Provider), Nunspeet
    Technical support for consumer and business customers

  • Prince2


    Prince2 projectmanagement course, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle

  • IT-law


    IT-law course, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle

Woord & Daad

Designing and implementing a new website and webshop for de Snuffelhal, Stichting Woord en Daad. De Snuffelhal is a secondhand-shop that sells products to raise money for humanitarian aid in third world countries. The former website was hard to maintain by employees with limited technical knowledge. The new website is build upon Wordpress, which makes it simple for non-technical users to maintain and easy to customize for the customers needs.

Wordpress CSS PHP JS


Designing and testing a security model for the combined municipalities of Bunschoten-spakenburg, Leusden, Nijkerk and Putten. The customer wanted a way to test if the used software and processes were GDPR-compliant and up to standards with IT-securitystandards. The security model focusses on the compliancy of the casesystems that are being used by the municipalities. The model was made using best practices by different industry and government organisations and validated with external experts.

BPNM 2.0 AVG BIO is a personal project that is aimed at developing a website to maintain my personal mineral collection. The website is also used as a testing system to test and implement interesting new functionalities that can benefit the website. There is no end date to this project and it will be developed throughout its lifespan.

PHP JS Bootstrap GeoJSON SQL

Provincie Overijssel

Dashboard used for monitoring useractivity on and Customers has large datasets about useractivity and wanted more insight in useractivity so they can support their users better. Dashboard was build in Python and visualisations were done with Tableau.

Python SQL Tableau BPMN 2.0


Study project that was aimed at designing a plugin for the Home Assistant smart-home system. The system scans the network for security related issues and reports these in JSON format. The system is build in Python and scans for open ports, enabled UPnP, weak passwords in network devices and much more. The system reports in JSON format and delivers the JSON results via a REST-api to the Home Assitant platform. The scanner is designed to be used with Home Assistant, but can also be used with other JSON compatible systems.

Python JSON Home Assistant


Interested in my work? Contact me using the form below.

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